Enhancing the Legal Standing and Quality of Water Conservation
In recent years, notable progress has been made regarding law-based water management with the promulgation of laws and regulations, such as the Yangtze River Protection Law, the Yellow River Protection Law, and Regulations on Groundwater Management.
Boosting Scientific and Technological Innovation in Water Conservation
Following many years of arduous efforts, great progress has been made in scientific and technological innovations in water conservation, increasing the areas in which we have caught up with and surpassed other countries.
Developing Modern Water Conservation Infrastructure
Since the 18th CPC National Congress held in 2012, a host of major strategic water conservation projects have been under construction, thereby strengthening China's capacity to coordinate allocations of water resources, ensure sufficient water supply, and retain strategic reserves.
New Achievements in Tibet’s Human Rights Cause
Since the 18th CPC National Congress held in 2012, Tibet has secured all-around progress and historic achievements in its human rights and given shape to a development paradigm defined by political and social stability, a growing economy, ethnic unity, religious harmony, consolidated border-area security, and contentment in people's work and life.
Building Up China’s Agricultural Strength Based on Its Distinctive Features
We will develop strong agriculture based on robust supply guarantees, advanced scientific and technological equipment, effective operational frameworks, resilient industries, and strong competitiveness.
Furthering Rural Reform
Reform is an important instrument for promoting rural revitalization. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have continued rural reform, tackling many tough issues and delivering institutional achievements of fundamental and far-reaching importance.
Building a Beautiful and Harmonious Countryside that Is Desirable to Live and Work in
The evolution from building a beautiful countryside to building a beautiful and harmonious countryside represents a further enrichment and expansion of the dimensions and goals of rural development.
Creating More Channels for Increasing Rural Incomes
It is vital that we develop more avenues for rural residents to increase their incomes, with a focus on improving long-term mechanisms that will deliver sustained, rapid increases.
Reinforcing the Foundations of Food Security on All Fronts
In recent years, China has continuously recorded bumper harvests and maintained an ample food supply.
The Significance Behind Accelerating Efforts to Build Up China’s Agricultural Strength
To promote common prosperity and meet people's aspirations for a better life, we must increase China's agricultural strength at a faster pace, build a beautiful countryside, and enable rural residents to become more affluent.
Unprecedented Pressures to Reform and Upgrade Electricity System
With the acceleration of the process to reach peak carbon and carbon neutrality as well as the in-depth advancement of the shift to clean and low-carbon energy, our traditional electricity system is evolving into one that is clean and low-carbon, safe and controllable, flexible and efficient, open and interactive, and intelligent and consumer-friendly.
New Circumstances and Requirements in the Shift to Clean and Low-carbon Energy
Accelerating the shift to clean and low-carbon energy is essential to safeguard our national energy security and ensure we achieve peak carbon and carbon neutrality on schedule.