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2024 No. 03

Mobilizing Hundreds of Millions of Workers to Build a Great Country and Advance National Rejuvenation

Mobilizing Hundreds of Millions of Workers to Build a Great Country and Advance National Rejuvenation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the Chinese working class, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, has played a great role in advanc­ing the cause of our Party and our country.

Understanding New Quality Productive Forces and Accelerating Their Development

New quality productive forces are an outcome of the evolution of productive forces and technological progress; they represent a revolutionary enhancement of humanity’s ability to improve nature in a holistic and fundamental way.

How Should the Chinese Economic Situation Be Viewed?

How Should the Chinese Economic Situation Be Viewed?

The basic features of China’s economy—its abundant potential, robust resilience, ample room for maneuver, and a wide array of policy tools—remain unaltered, and the fundamentals underpinning China’s long-term economic growth have not changed, nor will they.

Promoting High-Quality Development of Civil Affairs to Advance Chinese Modernization

Promoting High-Quality Development of Civil Affairs to Advance Chinese Modernization

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to civil affairs, setting forth major tasks such as increasing the people’s wellbeing and enhancing living standards.

Continuing to Improve the Market Environment for Fair Competition

Continuing to Improve the Market Environment for Fair Competition

As a fundamental principle of the market economy, fair competition provides a crucial foundation for the efficient operation of market mechanisms.

Living in Harmony with Our Waters and Ensuring Our Rivers Flourish

Living in Harmony with Our Waters and Ensuring Our Rivers Flourish

Adhering to the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, we will plan development with a view to ensuring harmony between humanity and nature.

The Story of Chinese Doctors Overseas

The Story of Chinese Doctors Overseas

On the new journey ahead, to promote high-quality development with high-standard opening up, we must fully comprehend and act according to the latter’s basic features, including reform of its systems and institutions; interplay between internal and external economic flows; systematic, coordinated, and comprehensive aspects; and inclusivity and security.

Pursuing High-Standard Opening Up to Promote High-Quality Development

Pursuing High-Standard Opening Up to Promote High-Quality Development

On the new journey ahead, to promote high-quality development with high-standard opening up, we must fully comprehend and act according to the latter’s basic features, including reform of its systems and institutions; interplay between internal and external economic flows; systematic, coordinated, and comprehensive aspects; and inclusivity and security.

Travel Notes on Guizhou Province

Travel Notes on Guizhou Province

Having traveled through Guizhou, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the vitality and strength of countless villagers. These qualities reflect the new dream for a better life embraced by the people since shaking off poverty.

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