Protecting and Promoting Human Rights Through Development

We should continue our work so that the people will have a greater sense of gain, fulfillment, and security, and achieve well-rounded development.

A People-centered Human Rights Philosophy

In giving expression to the founding mission of the CPC, the values and aspirations of all humanity, and a path forward for human rights development, this philosophy is endowed with several obvious advantages.

Whole-Process Democracy Has Improved the Efficacy of People’s Democracy

Whole-process people's democracy has ensured the full protection of Chinese people's rights and brought significant improvements in their lives.

China's economic strength realizes historic leap

China's economic strength has witnessed a historic leap, its scientific and technological strength, comprehensive national strength, as well as international influence have all continued to rise.

Whole-Process Democracy Is Integral to All Facets of People’s Democracy

China's whole-process people's democracy is supported by a complete set of institutions and procedures and has full-fledged participation in practice.

Sound and Effective Institutions for Whole-Process People’s Democracy

The institutions for whole-process people's democracy include the state system of people's democratic governance, the people's congress system as the system of state power, the system of CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation, the most extensive patriotic united front, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of primary-level self-governance.

How to do a good job in economic work in 2023

To do economic work in 2023, we need to have the overall strategic picture in mind. We should start with improving public expectations and boosting confidence in development.

Advancing High-Standard Opening Up in the New Era

On the new journey of the new era, to advance high-standard opening-up is of vital importance for achieving the Second Centenary Goal and realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Requirements for High-Standard Opening Up in the Current Era

Unprecedented global and epochal changes are occurring, and China is seeking and promoting its own development amid a more complex and graver strategic environment.

Promoting strategic confidence in high-quality development

The Chinese economy continues to demonstrate its strong resilience, vast potential, and great vitality, and as its long-term positive fundamentals have remained unchanged, China's development still benefits from its solid foundations and favorable conditions.

China’s Achievements in Opening Up in the First Decade of the New Era

In the first decade of the new era that began in 2012, China has pursued a more proactive strategy of opening up and advanced a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth.

Maintaining Firm Confidence in Chinese Economy

China has strategic conditions and advantages for the development. China's development stands at a new and higher historical starting point after ten years of development in the new era.

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