Staying Committed to Law-based Governance, Deepening Reform and Advancing Chinese Modernization Under the Rule of Law
Reform is essentially a process of generating fresh vitality, adding growth drivers, and fostering synergy by discarding the outdated in favor of the new.
Strengthening Institutional Building, Top-Level Design and Overall Planning
A country's greatest strength lies in its system, and the most fundamental form of competition between nations is based on their respective systems.
Upholding Fundamental Principles and Breaking New Ground in Staying Committed to Chinese Socialism
History evolves based on its own internal laws; its course is not subject to human will. The more thoroughly people can grasp the laws of history, the clearer and firmer their direction of progress will become, and the stronger and more enduring their sense of initiative for forging the future will be.
Adhering to a People-centered Approach and Respecting the Principal Position and Pioneering Spirit of the People
The people are the main actors not only in social development but also in reform. Reform is undertaken for the people, it is driven forward by them, and its effectiveness must also be judged by them.
Upholding the CPC's Overall Leadership, and the Central Committee's Authority and Its Centralized, Unified Leadership
The CPC's leadership is the defining feature and greatest strength of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its overall leadership has been the fundamental guarantee for the successful advancement of China's reform and opening up.
China’s Success Ultimately Hinges on the CPC
Leadership by the CPC provides a fundamental guarantee for further reform to advance Chinese modernization.
Earnestly Pursue the Development of Consultative Democracy
There are diverse ways to realize democracy. Consultative democracy is an important form of democracy practiced under the leadership of the Communist of China (CPC).
Reform and Opening Up Is the Trump for the Course of the Party and the People
Foundational institutional frameworks have been basically put in place in all sectors, and historic, systemic, and holistic transformations have been achieved across many fields.
Furthering Reform to Create Broad Prospects for Chinese Modernization
The Resolution passed at the session presents strategic measures for furthering reform with a focus on the theme of advancing Chinese modernization.
Ensuring and Enhancing the People’s Wellbeing in the Course of Development
Ensuring and enhancing the people’s wellbeing in the course of development is one of the major tasks of Chinese modernization. It is imperative to focus on this task and take further steps to increase the sense of fulfillment, happiness, and security people derive from reform.
Propelling Reform and Development Through Further Opening Up
Opening up is a defining feature of Chinese modernization. It is imperative to promote the mutual progression of reform and opening up and propel reform and development through further opening up.
Ensuring More Balanced Urban-Rural and Regional Development Through Reform
It is therefore imperative to promote integrated urban-rural development and coordinated regional development and ensure more balanced development through reform.