New Missions and Tasks of People’s Congresses in Advancing Chinese Modernization
President Xi Jinping has pointed out that "With a focus on developing whole-process people's democracy, we must uphold, improve, and implement the system of people's congresses to good effect, so as to provide a firm institutional guarantee for achieving the goals of our Party and our people on the new journey in the new era." He has also set forth clear requirements for "giving full play to the role of people’s congresses in four respects” with an emphasis on "continuously improving the quality of their work in the new era."
In line with the guiding principles from the 20th CPC National Congress and the following plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, we must accurately grasp the role and tasks of people’s congresses in advancing Chinese modernization, so as to fulfill our duties and responsibilities and make solid efforts to contribute to the building of a modern socialist country.
First, we must give full play to the important role of people’s congresses in ensuring full and effective implementation of the Constitution and the law. We must improve the legal systems concerning the Constitution to fully leverage its central role in legislation and ensure that it is observed throughout the entire legislative process. We should establish a system for reporting on the implementation of the Constitution and improve both the constitutional review and the record and review for normative documents. This will enable us to resolutely correct any inconsistencies with the Constitution and the law and ensure full implementation of our constitutionally established systems, principles, and rules.
Second, we must give full play to the leading role of people’s congresses in legislation. The organization and coordination of legislative work should be strengthened. The NPC should give fuller rein to its leading role in determining legislative items, organizing the drafting of laws, coordinating efforts on major issues, and reviewing draft legislation. The mechanism through which relevant NPC special committees and working bodies of the NPC Standing Committee take the lead in drafting important laws should be improved.
With a focus on the key task of raising the quality of legislation, we must steadily improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. We should make improvements to laws that are urgently needed for national governance, necessary for meeting the people's needs for a better life, and imperative for safeguarding national security, making good laws that promote development and ensure good governance.
We should see that reform is advanced under the rule of law and that the rule of law is improved through reform. This means that major reforms should be underpinned by sound laws and that reform achievements should be timely elevated to the status of law.
Third, we must give full play to the important oversight role of people's congresses in the Party and state oversight systems. We must conduct oversight in an appropriate, effective, and law-based manner to promote the implementation of the CPC Central Committee's decisions and plans, ensure that all state organs exercise their powers in accordance with the law, and see that the people's lawful rights and interests are safeguarded and advanced.
To refine the systems for oversight of administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs by people's congresses, we should improve the Law on the Oversight by the Standing Committees of People’s Congresses at All Levels and its implementation mechanisms. We should also step up examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts, oversight of state-owned asset management, and oversight of government debt management.
Fourth, we must give full play to the exemplary role of people’s congresses in maintaining close ties with the people. We must apply the people-centered development philosophy and act on the principle of working for the people and relying on them in everything we do. To ensure close ties with the people, we need to engage with local communities and residents in our research and studies, seek out people’s opinions and suggestions, and better respond to their needs. This will ensure that all our initiatives embody the will of the people, safeguard people's rights and interests, and are aligned with their needs and wishes.
Editor: Zhang Xian