Promoting Party Building and Organizational Work by Enhancing the Systems for Exercising Full and Rigorous Party Self-Governance
The fourth issue of Qiushi Journal of 2025 features an article from the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, which elaborates on enhancing the systems for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance as well as promoting Party building and high-quality development of organizational work in the new era.
Enhancing the systems for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance is a pioneering endeavor of overarching significance. As the social revolution led by the CPC embarks on a new journey, we must make new strides in the Party’s self-reform and deepen our understanding of this endeavor.
The CPC has strategically prioritized the development of systems for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance, building upon the groundbreaking achievements we have made in this regard in the new era. It is an urgent requirement for responding to risks and tests at home and abroad while advancing Chinese modernization; a strategic measure that tackles the special challenges that a large party like ours faces and makes our Marxist party stronger; and an essential prerequisite for exercising strict self-supervision and self-governance while ensuring well-coordinated and effective implementation across all domains.
Since the start of the new era in 2012, we have achieved remarkable results in developing these systems. By ensuring the coordinated and overall advancement of our Party’s self-governance, we have gradually established this set of systems for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance, opening up new frontiers for the self-reform of our century-old Party. With this, the foundations for effective Party self-governance and national governance were laid.
In this process, abundant major political, theoretical, institutional, and practical achievements have been made. Specifically, the Party’s overall leadership has been strengthened and our commitment to the “Two Upholds” has become a more resolute and conscious pursuit; a well-conceived theoretical system for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance has been developed; the intra-Party regulatory system has been refined; and the practice of our Party’s self-governance has become more systematic, rigorous, and effective.
All of us in the Party must bear in mind that full and rigorous self-governance is an unceasing endeavor and that self-reform is a journey to which there is no end. On the journey ahead, we must maintain the prudence and sober-mindedness of one under examination as we utilize the establishment of systems for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance as an effective means to advance the great new project of Party building.
The article also outlines requirements for enhancing the systems. First, the Party’s leadership must be exercised in a comprehensive, systematic, and integrated way; second, we should arm all Party members with the Party’s new theories; third, the mechanism for the management of Party members and the supervision of officials ought to be refined; fourth, institutional reforms related to Party development should be deepened; and fifth, the full chain of accountability for the Party’s self-governance needs to be strengthened.
Correspondingly, the improved systems should include a well-connected and efficient organizational system, an education system that enables Party members to maintain firm ideals and convictions, and a supervision system that applies targeted measures and addresses both symptoms and root causes, as well as a well-conceived and practical institutional system, and a clear and well-defined accountability system.
Editor: Yi Xiaowei