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Applying Systems Thinking and Pursuing Reform in a More Systematic, Holistic, and Coordinated Manner

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-12-20

The world is an interconnected whole, a system of interacting elements. Marxist thought espouses the sound approach of understanding the world and analyzing and solving its problems from a comprehensive, systematic, and evolving perspective based on the universal connectedness of all things. At present, we are witnessing a profound interplay between China's national rejuvenation strategy and the once-in-a-century changes taking place in the world; all aspects of economic and social development have become increasingly integrated, and various social issues have become intricately intertwined. Now more than ever, we must employ a systematic perspective to observe, grasp, and guide the currents of the era, so as to ensure the progress of our cause. 

Furthering comprehensive reform is a complex and systemic project. Given the high degree of interconnectedness and synergy between different parts, many reforms will have a far-reaching impact once they take effect. Therefore, we can neither rely on isolated efforts nor push for breakthroughs on a single front. At the same time, we cannot treat all tasks with equal importance and attempt to tackle everything all at once. We must skillfully employ systematic thinking and methods to understand what is of principal and secondary importance and to grasp the principal issues and their main aspects. In this way, we can plan and advance reform in a more systematic, holistic, and coordinated manner, ensuring that all reforms align in terms of policy orientation, reinforce each other in implementation, and work in concert to produce concrete results. 

As a top-level design and comprehensive plan, the Resolution* consistently embodies systems thinking. To implement the plans of the plenary session, therefore, we must likewise adhere to and apply this systematic approach. Properly handling the critical relationships between the economy and society, the government and the market, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, and development and security is crucial to the overall strategy of Chinese modernization. These relationships represent a key issue that must be addressed in further deepening reform. We should identify the main priorities and leverage points for reform based on the dialectical unity of these relationships, with the aim of making them more balanced, complementary, and mutually reinforcing. 

In formulating each reform measure, we must adopt a comprehensive and holistic perspective, consciously operating within the overall context. We should ensure alignment between all levels and coordination across all sectors and departments to avoid neglecting one task in favor of another or working at cross-purposes. We must properly calibrate the timing and pace of new reform measures; we should neither act rashly and race ahead impulsively, nor remain passive and allow good opportunities to pass us by. We must thoroughly consider the potential ramifications of all measures and work to ensure that every reform initiative delivers the greatest possible impact. 

*The Resolution refers to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization.

Editor: Yi Xiaowei
