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Sowing the Seeds of Patriotism Among Youth

By Qiu Wen Source: Updated: 2024-10-15

The 19th issue of Qiushi Journal in 2024 published an article by the Secretariat of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC), emphasizing the need to sow the seeds of patriotism in the heart of Chinese youth.

According to the article, patriotism is the concentrated embodiment of the Chinese nation’s shared emotional identity and spiritual strength. To cultivate our youngsters into ones with capabilities to develop socialism and carry forward the socialist cause, we should first instill patriotic sentiments deep in their hearts. Since the beginning of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to patriotic education among youth by formulating the Patriotic Education Law and the Outline on Conducting Patriotic Education in the New Era, working to make significant achievements in this regard.

Looking back on the century-long history of the CPC, it is clear that since its founding, the Party has always taken seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation as its original aspiration and mission. Through a century of struggle, it has fundamentally changed the future of the Chinese people and opened up the right path for realizing national rejuvenation. To strengthen patriotic education, it is necessary to inspire sincere sentiments for the Party, the country, and socialism in the hearts of young people, ensuring that they follow the guidance and lead of the CPC.

The love for our motherland plays a fundamental role in the growth and development of all Chinese people, and constitutes the foundation and primary requirement of the core socialist values. Globally, patriotism likewise serves as the fundamental value criterion for citizens of any country. For every Chinese person, loving our motherland is both a duty and a responsibility; it is a sentiment deeply rooted in our heart and soul. To enhance patriotic education, it is imperative to nurture a new generation of young people who are capable of taking on the mission of national rejuvenation. We should guide them to pursue higher levels of political awareness, moral standards, and overall caliber, ensuring patriotism is passed on from generation to generation and keeps alive and flourishes.

Since ancient times, patriotism has become deeply infused in the blood of the Chinese nation, serving as a powerful spiritual force for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation in their efforts to safeguard national independence and dignity. To strengthen patriotic education, we should guide the youth to learn from the great thoughts and virtues embodied in China’s traditional culture, have a correct understanding of Chinese history, ethnicity, nation, and culture, and gain a greater sense of belonging, identity, dignity, and honor.

The 20th CPC National Congress outlined a grand blueprint for building a great country and advancing national rejuvenation through Chinese modernization, which has provided a favorable environment for the growth and development of today’s youth. They are not only the beneficiaries of the Chinese Dream, but also the ones who will inevitably bring it to fruition. To enhance patriotic education, we should inspire the youth to shoulder their historical responsibility, and stimulate their passion for “getting ready to build a powerful China” and taking the lead in advancing Chinese modernization.

Since modern times, the Chinese people have become keenly aware that unity is strength and only through unity can we move forward. A fragmented country cannot develop and progress. Instead, the unity of people, all ethnic groups, and the Chinese nation can provide the fundamental guarantees for advancing the cause of our Party and our country. To strengthen patriotic education, it is necessary to guide the youth to uphold national unity and ethnic solidarity, and enhance their identification with the motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, our Party, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to make them a mighty force for striving to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

While contributing to the progress of human civilization, Chinese civilization has also drawn nourishment from exchanges with other civilizations. To strengthen patriotic education, we should guide the youth to broaden their horizons and have a global vision. We are expecting to see them playing a positive role in international exchanges, and in promoting the dissemination of Chinese culture and the influence of Chinese civilization.


Editor: Yi Xiaowei