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Qinghai Lake to become national park

Source: China Daily Updated: 2024-03-15


Birds gather on the waterfront at the Erlangjian scenic area of Qinghai Lake in Xining, Qinghai province, in July. [Lu Baosheng/For China Daily]

This approach has resulted in a sustained expansion of wetland areas, an increase of high-density vegetation coverage and improved overall ecological functions at the lake. Meanwhile, areas consisting of sandy, bare and saline-alkali land within the protected area are steadily diminishing.

In 2020, the lake's water level reached 3,196.62 meters above the sea level, 3.65 meters higher than in 2004. Its water body covered an area of 4,588.81 square km, an increase of 344.31 sq km compared to 2004, reaching coverage last seen back in the 1960s.

Today, the lake is home to over 606,000 water birds made up of 288 species, confirming its status as one of China's major breeding grounds for migratory birds.

The naked carp, known as huangyu in China, is endemic to Qinghai Lake. At one point, overfishing of the naked carp led to a sharp decline in its population.

Through continuous protection efforts, from 2002 to 2020, the naked carp population at the lake increased nearly 38-fold. Currently, reserves of this species have been restored to 120,000 metric tons.

"The coexistence of fish and birds represents a significant achievement in recent years in the improvement of the ecological environment of Qinghai Lake. It is vital for maintaining the security of the ecological chain in the Qinghai Lake Basin," said He Yubang, head of the Qinghai Lake national nature reserve administration.


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