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Earn and Keep the People’s Support in Consolidating Party Leadership

Source: Xi Jinping The Governance of China IV Updated: 2023-04-21

Earn and Keep the People’s Support in Consolidating Party Leadership*

June 25 and September 14, 2021


Our Party has won the people’s wholehearted support because it has always stayed true to its original aspiration and founding mission, and faithfully observed its fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people. This is also why our Party was able to grow in strength from a small and fragile organization, rise time and again after setbacks, and fight its way through dangers. The people are the root of our vitality, the foundation of our governance, and the source of our strength.

I have reiterated on many occasions that the country is its people, and the people are the country. As we have fought to establish and consolidate our Party’s leadership over the country, we have in fact been fighting to earn and keep the people’s support. My purpose is to warn all Party members that having served in office as long as we have, no danger is greater than forgetting our founding mission or distancing ourselves from the people. As long as we stay together with and work for the people, they will steadfastly follow the Party’s leadership and the Party will be able to flourish. All members should further the understanding of our original aspiration in the context of the Party’s history, follow the people-centered development philosophy, and never waver in our drive towards national rejuvenation.

(from the speech at the 31st group study session of
the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee,
June 25, 2021)


Reviewing this rich revolutionary history, we see how the older generation of revolutionaries “gave top priority to the interests of the Party”, “stood with the overwhelming majority of the working people”, and “sat on the side of the people”. Their devotion to serving the people is of great educational value. The reason why our Party was able to lead the people to victory in the revolution is that the Party won their support, and many hundreds of millions of people chose to side firmly with us. We must carry forward our revolutionary traditions and fine conduct, and always put the people’s interests first. We should stay true to the Party’s original aspiration and founding mission, follow the mass line, and respect the people’s principal position. We should always stand with the people and think and act in their interests.

(from the speech during a visit to the site of the former office of
the CPC Suide Prefectural Committee in Yulin, Shaanxi Province,
September 14, 2021)

* Excerpts from two speeches made on June 25 and September 14, 2021.

(Not to be republished for any commercial or other purposes.)