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Xi presides over symposium for soliciting advice on economic work

Source: Xinhua Updated: 2021-07-31

BEIJING -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Wednesday presided over and addressed a symposium for soliciting opinions and suggestions on the current economic situation and economic work in the second half of the year from non-CPC personages.

Xi underscored the correct understanding of the current economic situation and the integration of thoughts and actions with the CPC Central Committee's analysis on the current economic situation, its decisions and arrangements.

He called for more efforts to solicit solutions from the grassroots, analyze typical cases to see the big picture and carry out in-depth research.

The symposium was attended by Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Wang Huning and Han Zheng, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Li reviewed China's economic work in the first half of the year and introduced the CPC Central Committee's considerations for economic work in the second half of the year.

Heads of the central committees of eight non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as a representative of personages without party affiliations, made their respective speeches, agreeing with the CPC Central Committee's analysis of the current economic situation and considerations for economic work in the second half.

They also gave suggestions on the economy, which, Xi said, were well-targeted and constructive and would be seriously considered by the CPC Central Committee.