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China's economy grew 2.3% in 2020, says NBS

By Wang Junwei Source: Updated: 2021-03-01

603b0b0da31024adbdb6ed5f_meitu_5.jpgHigh-rise buildings are seen in Shanghai. [Photo/Sipa] 

China's economy grew by 2.3 percent year-on-year in 2020, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Sunday.

The country's gross domestic product stood at 101.6 trillion yuan ($15.67 trillion) last year, and its per capita GDP is expected to reach 72,447 yuan, up 2 percent over the previous year.

China's per capita GDP has exceeded $10,000 for two consecutive years, said Sheng Laiyun, deputy head of the National Bureau of Statistics.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), China's annual average nominal increase in GDP reached 6.5 trillion yuan, 1 trillion yuan higher than the figure during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-15).

At the same time, per capita disposable income of residents increased by 2,045 yuan annually on average in nominal terms, an increase of 156 yuan than that during the 12 Five-Year Plan period. Some 55.75 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, and the country saw 11.15 million people overcome poverty annually on average, according to Sheng.