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Many reasons for cultural confidence

Source: Understanding China -- 70 Years of Progress and Development Updated: 2020-12-17

In recent years, CCTV has aired several extremely popular TV shows on traditional culture. "Chinese Poetry Gathering" showcases the beauty and musicality of the imagery and rhythms of classical poetry through quizzes and word games; "National Treasures" tells the stories of ancient cultural artifacts, making them come alive through short plays, and giving audiences a better sense of the depth and richness of our traditional culture; "Singing the Classics" marries traditional poetry with modern music, highlighting the worldview and humanistic values transmitted over thousands of years. These shows provide a lively way to portray fascinating features of our civilization, and have aroused admiration and pride in millions of viewers. 

We are a great nation with a culture that has extended over 5,000 years and that continues to grow and evolve. Papermaking, gunpowder, printing, the compass, the astronomical calendar, philosophy and a spirit of humanism are a few of our contributions that have left their mark on the world and moved human civilization forward. 

Of all human civilizations, the Chinese one probably has the strongest reasons for self-confidence. This comes from thousands of years of distinctive traditions, the indomitable spirit of recent revolutionary history, and the current determination to improve our country through reforms. 

One source of confidence is the fact that our culture has lasted uninterrupted for five millennia. It is thus ancient yet remains vibrant today. We have produced world-renowned philosophers such as Confucius, Laozi, Zhuangzi and Mencius, patriotic poet and statesman Qu Yuan and poets Li Bai, Su Shi and novelist Cao Xueqin. Each historical period or dynasty has produced innumerable classic works of poetry, drama and fiction, which have nourished our culture and society through the ages. This cultural heritage with all its spiritual features remains strong and dynamic even after centuries of trials and adversity. It is precisely this lasting relevance and appeal of our culture that lie at the root of our self-confidence. 

Another source of confidence comes from overcoming the enormous challenges of the Chinese revolution. Hardships make us stronger and more determined. We draw our strength from the countless revolutionary martyrs who laid down their lives. During the 28 years of revolutionary struggle from 1921 to 1949, the CPC led the people to overcome tremendous difficulties by staying true to its vision, standing by its convictions and fighting to the end. This process has inspired a revolutionary culture characterized by values and beliefs that sustained us over the years, from the CPC's founding on a boat in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, the difficult days of rural mobilization at Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province in the late 1920s, the Herculean efforts of the Long March in the early 1930s, the severe material shortages in Yan'an in the 1940s, to the final decision in Xibaipo to liberate the entire country. This is a spirit honed through countless struggles, victories and defeats that have bequeathed to us a resilient spiritual core.


Chinese Poetry Gathering 

Our confidence also comes from all our hard-won successes. The founding of the People's Republic marked the moment when China regained total sovereignty and turned a new page in its history. Over the following seven decades, the CPC has led the people on an arduous journey, searching for new ways and overcoming new challenges, that has enriched and expanded our socialist culture. From Wang Jinxi, a model oil worker at the Daqing Oilfield, who faced all odds to lead oil drilling to scientists who worked tirelessly to unlock the secrets of developing the nuclear bomb, missiles and satellite technology, from Lei Feng the ordinary soldier who became a national role model for selflessness to Jiao Yulu, a local official devoted to improving his poor community, from the national women's volleyball team's tenacity to win many championships to the thousands of ordinary people whose joint efforts backed up rescue work through earthquakes and floods, from the Beijing Olympic Games with their pursuit of excellence to the Taikonauts whose courage has advanced spaceflight: they all embody the spirit of a Chinese socialist culture and are wellsprings of our confidence.


Boat on which the CPC was founded in 1921 

Only with deep roots can a tree grow tall. In the same way, China has been growing and thriving because socialism with Chinese characteristics is providing a solid and nourishing foundation. Our sense of confidence in our culture is rooted in the many awe-inspiring accomplishments over the past seven decades. 


The Chinese women’s volley ball team breaking records

The views don't necessarily reflect those of Qiushi Journal.