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What are the strengths of Chinese-style democracy

Source: Understanding China -- 70 Years of Progress and Development Updated: 2020-12-10

The merits of a political system must be gauged by the national circumstances within which it operates, its real-life effects and results, and how well it conforms to the will of the people. In this sense, our democratic system is consistent with our circumstances, appropriate for our level of development, and represents the will of our people. It has also proved to be both strong and highly effective, demonstrating several advantages. 

Chinese democracy gives voice to the widest majority of the people. Though public representation is fundamental to socialist democracy, it occurs at many different levels and takes various forms. Chinese-style democracy has diversified in response to this. Our democratic institutions include the NPC, multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, ethnic regional autonomy, and self-governance at the community level. These institutions act together to ensure that the people have full rights and freedoms, and can participate in many aspects of national and social governance. 

Chinese democracy ensures peace and solidarity. Just as fine cuisine balances the tastes of different ingredients, the key to national governance is harmony in diversity. Our brand of democracy brings together the entire society, coordinating relations across political, ethnic, religious, social strata, and both domestic and overseas Chinese lines, and balancing competing interests to resolve issues and differences within the current institutional framework. By thus minimizing internal conflicts and friction, political stability and harmonious social development are promoted and national cohesion is fostered. 

Another advantage of our system is that it can gather resources to take on enormous challenges. By working together we can move mountains. Chinese-style democracy brings together different ideas, mobilizes all resources, and draws upon the wisdom and strengths of the widest number of people toward accomplishing shared objectives — thus boosting productivity, promoting modernization, and improving the quality of life and living standards for all. This unique strength of our democracy is the secret behind our amazing feats over the past seven decades: completing megaprojects, tackling development challenges and controlling risks. 

And last but not least, our democracy is the best guardian of national and public welfare. Extended periods of peace have been rare in China's long history. Yet one key reason why there have been no wars or large-scale internal conflicts over the past few decades is because our political system has been able to unite all sectors, classes and ethnicities around common interests. In our large, multi-ethnic nation, Chinese-style democracy makes decision-making effective, which creates a high degree of political stability, strengthens public awareness of national unity, and promotes a sense of common political, emotional and cultural identity. As President Xi has urged, there are "six situations" we must prevent in order to safeguard our national independence, sovereignty, security and development, to ensure solidarity among all our peoples and lasting peace in our country. 

The views don't necessarily reflect those of Qiushi Journal.