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What is distinctive about Chinese democracy

Source: Understanding China -- 70 Years of Progress and Development Updated: 2020-12-08

On December 12, 2018, the Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper entitled Progress in Human Rights over 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up in China, which clearly states that respect for and protection of human rights is a fundamental principle of the country. The White Paper also fully describes how Chinese democracy is an important of guarantee of these rights. 

Chinese-style democracy is now firmly rooted in the country. It applies Marxist theory on democracy to specific Chinese circumstances, draws on certain democratic elements in our own traditional culture and institutions, and borrows from other successful political systems. This makes it both rich and unique. 

The leadership of the CPC is the guarantee of Chinese democracy. Achieving democracy does not occur spontaneously: it has to be fought for by a political party that represents the people's interests and aspirations, and provides leadership. Public participation in decision-making of state affairs has been made possible and gradually strengthened over the years under the leadership of the CPC. Without the CPC, there would be no "rule by the people" in the true sense. After the Revolution of 1911, some 300 political parties and groups appeared on the scene, but most became pawns of warlords, bureaucrats or politicians. Some public figures were actually members of over a dozen parties at the same time, which raised the question about how representative of the public interests they actually were. Today, with 1.4 billion people, China's only way to achieve consensus and cohesion for working toward common goals is through the CPC, the only group with the moral authority, strength and ability to manage the many different and complicated demands of such a huge society, and ensure that the people's interests are represented. 

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"The Two Sessions," namely the annual meetings of the NPC and the CPPCC, are highlights in the Chinese political calendar. 

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An express courier meets the Premier 

On July 12, 2017, the bill on Express Delivery Service Regulations was opened for public comment and suggestions. Li Pengxuan, a courier based in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, wrote a message on the online site "What I want to speak to the Premier, 2018" in which he suggested special insurance be available to cover perishables damaged in delivery. As a result, he was invited to meet Premier Li Keqiang at the State Council to discuss his ideas on the development of the express delivery service industry. 

A defining feature of Chinese-style democracy is public participation in national affairs. This principle lies at the heart of our socialist democracy and is determined by the nature of our economic system based predominantly on public ownership. This in turn fundamentally prevents our democracy from being controlled by either big capital or special interest groups, making it a democracy of the widest majority not just of the few. Our practice on the ground has shown that this is neither a slogan nor an empty promise, because we ensure popular participation in every aspect of political and social life through specific democratic institutions, forms and mechanisms. 

Chinese-style democracy is based on the rule of law, which underlies governance by the people led by the CPC. Ancient wisdom tells us that rules and standards are essential to lasting peace and order. Laws are binding rules that ensure the proper functioning of a society, the stability and continuity of governance, and regulated and institutionalized democracy. In contemporary China, the rule of law is essential for achieving public representation under CPC leadership. It guarantees people's rights and thus the foundation of democracy. In turn, CPC leadership and popular participation must be exercised within the framework of the Constitution, laws and regulations; otherwise, social order may be disrupted, harming people's rights, and in turn socialist democracy itself. 

Chinese democracy follows the procedures of democratic centralism. According to Marxist theories, true democracy is about realizing the will and sovereignty of the people. In China this is put into practice through the effective and rational procedures of democratic centralism. This means first of all, making sure that people's diverse ideas, demands and wishes are heard as widely as possible, then identifying and bringing together the constructive ones, and then taking rational and workable decisions to satisfy them. 

These are the principles and methods of Chinese democracy, making it possible to combine process and results, form and substance to provide the widest, most genuine and effective form of democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of our people. 

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Biweekly Consultation Meeting: a Key Platform for Consultative Democracy 

The biweekly consultation meeting is a system set up by the 12th CPPCC National Committee, based on a previous arrangement of biweekly gatherings. The first meeting was held on October 22, 2013. Backed by specialized committees, the discussions focus on specific topics in different sectors, and provide a highly interactive platform for CPPCC members to discuss important issues concerning the work of both Party and government, and of wide social and public interest. In-depth discussions on concrete topics are an important way for the CPPCC to contribute to China's socialist consultative democracy. 


The views don't necessarily reflect those of Qiushi Journal.